Made for Every Space
Initially intended for sheds and barns, these simple wooden boards have since evolved into one of the most popular choices for home décor. Hands down, nothing but Pinewood makes the best shiplaps.
From ceilings to living room walls, backsplashes to washrooms, there isn't any place where a shiplap won't fit. With Pinewood as the make-material, things sure go up a notch, and here's why it delivers a bang for the bucks spent:
Pinewood offers a pristine, spotless, and uniform finish for a shiplap. Raw Pine works the best, with a good amount of primer and wood to fill the spots.
A popular choice for shiplaps remains the ceilings, where it can be installed as-it-is or top-down, giving you the illusion of a bigger room. Pinewood is a relatively lighter option, making way for a strain-free installation at the hands of our experts.
Pine shiplaps are also a good choice for harsh weather conditions, especially humid ones. As an exception to softwood species, Pine shrinks a lot less and is known to season impressively when you have planned minimal cupping, splitting, and warping.